Do I Need Travelers Insurance to Study Abroad

Written report Away

Study Abroad Insurance: All You lot Need to Know Before You Become

Did you know you demand insurance to study abroad? And that your current insurance probably doesn't count? Here'southward everything you need to know most study abroad insurance.

Study Abroad Insurance - Adrian R., Sol Abroad Spain

Few experiences are more simultaneously heady and intimidating than preparing to written report abroad. Crafting a bucket listing with activities such as paragliding in Rio de Janeiro or skiing the French Alps sounds fun, only there'southward as well another of import logistics you'll need to figure out earlier you can get-go crossing those off -- like figuring out how your insurance works when you're overseas.

Not only tin health insurance salve you from some unnecessary financial stress and struggle, but it'southward frequently not optional, as your school, study abroad provider, or host country may require you to be covered.

Figuring out the perfect insurance plan earlier y'all get overseas is essential. Here's everything you need to know about travel insurance for studying abroad.

Why do I Demand Travel Insurance for Studying Abroad?

Maybe you lot've found yourself stuck in a local hospital after misreading a couple street signs and falling off your scooter? Or maybe a global pandemic shuts downwards your program (and the state of the land you lot're in), leading yous to immediately fly back home. Sometimes, things go differently than planned --- and that's where your travel insurance comes to play.

There are many different scenarios where travel insurance can come in handy. Whether it'southward small inconveniences or land-broad situations, here'south some examples of unexpected problems travel insurance would be useful for:

  • Lost or stolen luggage
  • Travel delays or cancellations
  • Sickness or adventitious injuries
  • Defoliation or misunderstandings with financial requirements of local hospitals
  • Holding damage
  • Environmental disasters in host country

Where Can I Start Finding Insurance for my Away Trip?

Insurance for Study Abroad - Alexandria, CIEE Thailand

As you prepare for your fourth dimension overseas, a great jumping-off point is reaching out to your program provider, whether that be your ain schoolhouse, a foreign institution, or a third-political party provider. Staff members should be able to offering information near wellness insurance, including what coverage y'all demand to come across any program or host country requirements. They can as well tell you what, if anything, they offering.

Y'all may notice out that a) comprehensive coverage is included in your program fees or available as an add together-on (yay!), or b) you are responsible for obtaining acceptable coverage. In the latter case, staff can also likely lay out the best options for your item program.

If You Already Take Insurance

Alas, simply considering you're covered in your home country doesn't hateful your benefits will carry over to other parts of the earth. You'll have to notice out if your plan covers medical emergencies that happen overseas. This volition take some digging, then don't hesitate to telephone call your insurance company, since a representative tin explicate your policy to you.

Make sure to inquire what limitations and exclusions in that location are in a specific state where you'll be. As well find out how they handle pre-existing atmospheric condition, especially if you'll be managing a chronic disease while traveling.

Should you find out the coverage abroad won't be adequate, you tin can supplement your electric current plan with a short-term travel health insurance plan, an option we'll discuss further beneath.

If You Don't Have Insurance

Don't worry if you don't take insurance at all, let alone a policy that will cover y'all overseas; there are nonetheless options. Ideally, you'd exist covered both at domicile and in your host country, because if an injury happened during your travels and you needed to seek further treatment upon your render, you'd still exist insured.

To become domestic coverage, find out what your school offers too as investigate other plans. In the United States, those who are residents for tax purposes are eligible to enroll through the Wellness Insurance Marketplace, according to Look for a program that will fit both your domestic and study abroad needs.

Whether or not you choose to sign up for the domestic policy, we recommend you carry coverage while you're studying abroad. Travel health insurance providers offering temporary and customizable options.

What Type of Policy exercise I Need?

In that location are typically three types of travel insurance policies that are suitable for someone studying away; which 1 you choose will exist largely based upon the duration of your trip and travel requirements.

  • Single Trip: This typically covers one trip of up to 87 days. Not all single trip policies allow full cover for traveling to diverse countries, and you may be required to buy additional cancellation or curtailment cover for these "extra trips". Equally ever, each insurer is different, so if in doubt contact customer services or refer to the policy wording.
  • Annual Multi Trip: This plan covers multiple trips for 12 months, with a maximum duration of 45 days per trip. And so if you're studying abroad for a short fourth dimension and holidaying throughout the twelvemonth, this could be cheaper than several unmarried trip policies.
  • Backpacker: This provides continuous cover for upward to ii years and is generally the principal type of policy to embrace students for long durations. It will likewise cover students for i trip home (of up to fourteen days) which is not bad should you want to come up dorsum for a piffling pause during your studies. It will also embrace you should yous want to proceed any other trips during your time studying abroad, provided that they are within your called geographical expanse of cover.

How exercise I Know if my Coverage is Adequate?

Insurance for Study Abroad - Abigail, Red Tree Study Columbia

"Adequate" coverage can accept different meanings depending on an individual's specific situation. For case, the definition will exist influenced by your program and the host state'south coverage requirements. On summit of that, your specific needs volition factor in.

At a minimum, you lot'll need to meet the requirements. This can be done with an existing plan, a supplemental plan, or some combination of the 2. If you're opting for travel insurance, the U.Due south. State Section notes that it "varies widely and one should advisedly read the terms of an insurance policy to make sure information technology fits the needs of the traveler."

Starting time and foremost, yous'll want to brand sure your coverage runs for the duration of your time overseas and includes all of the regions where you'll be. Additionally, you'll want to make sure that your insurance offers emergency medical care, including medical transport back to your home country and repatriation if needed.

Be certain to verify that any preexisting conditions y'all have volition exist covered and that none of the activities you'll exist engaging in during your study abroad are excluded. Information technology likewise helps if at that place's a 24-60 minutes physician support center and if the policy volition brand payments to hospitals straight, according to the Centers for Illness Control and Prevention.

Finally, you lot'll want to exist certain that the policy's maximum coverage limit is high plenty to encompass whatsoever emergency situations that may ascend. The U.S. State Department doesn't specify a recommended amount, but experts told that it'due south all-time to have a policy that covers at least $fifty,000 in emergency medical care and $100,000 in emergency medical transportation, given how speedily bills tin add up.

Once again, don't hesitate to ask for communication from your programme provider. They are experts and have feel with students in the same gunkhole as you are.

Pandemic & Health Coverage for Students Studying Abroad

With how unpredictable the state of the earth has been, the importance of having insurance for medical emergencies or evacuations has become an obvious no-brainer.

Many travel insurance companies have expanded their comprehensive care policies to include COVID-19 related coverage, such as reimbursement for a trip cancellation or a physician-ordered quarantine, on top of medical coverage. Some have even begun to offer COVID and cancel-for-any-reason coverages.

Most comprehensive insurance policies should include the following:

  • Emergency Medical Coverage: In case y'all're ill and need to encounter a physician or visit the hospital
  • Emergency Medical Evacuation Coverage: For more extreme cases that require emergency handling in the hospital
  • Trip Interruption: Protects you if you lot get sick and must render dwelling
  • Trip Cancellation: Protects prepaid non-refundable trip costs, allows you to submit a claim to get some or all of your money back on flights, hotels, and more

If you're looking for answers to specific pandemic travel-related questions or want to check the travel and insurance requirements of the host country yous're visiting, you tin search them on the CDC website.

What Other Types of Insurance may I Demand During my Overseas Trip?

Insurance for Study Abroad - Allison B., University of Otago New Zealand

Getting wellness coverage tin can take a lot of legwork, and believe it or not, it's not the only type of insurance you may want to consider. In that location is also trip cancellation insurance, which protects pre-paid non-refundable trip costs. If certain circumstances were to forcefulness you lot to cancel your trip entirely, y'all'd exist able to submit a claim to go some or all of your coin back on flights, hotels, and more.

Additionally, if you'll be renting a house or apartment while you're studying abroad, purchasing renter's insurance is worth considering. The same goes for automobile insurance if you lot'll exist buying a motorcar. In fact, these types of insurance may be required, depending on the state where y'all'll be studying.


Having travel insurance can keep you (and your parents) feeling more than at ease, in the case of any emergencies or problems that ascend. While illness and injury are two things no one puts on their aforementioned bucket lists, they sometimes still happen. So it'southward important to be prepared. Once you have your insurance situation squared away, we promise you'll have improve peace of mind as you commence on the experience of a lifetime!

Have a worried parent? Ship them our parents guide to report abroad.

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