Using External Midi Hardware in Ableton Live

How To Set Up External Instruments in Ableton Live

In this guide, nosotros volition show you how to ready up an external instrument in Ableton Live. Follow the instructions below to become started.

  1. Configure the MIDI settings
  2. Fix and record
    • Method 1
    • Method 2 (Standard and Suite only)

When setting up your external instrument in Ableton Live, you need to update its settings so your hardware can communicate correctly inside your project. Ableton made the procedure straightforward, and so follow these steps to configure the MIDI settings.

  1. Open up Ableton's preferences.
  2. Select the MIDI tab on the left side.
  3. Enable "Track" for the MIDI In port of your controller.
  4. Enable "Rail" for the MIDI Out port of your musical instrument.
  5. Close the preferences.
Ableton Preferences

Ableton MIDI preferences

Ready up and record

In that location are two methods to configure external instruments in Ableton Live. For Ableton Alive Low-cal and Intro, follow the steps in the first method, as Lite and Intro do non let you lot to use the second method.

  1. Create a new MIDI track.
  2. In the MIDI rails, set MIDI From to your controller's MIDI port
  3. In the MIDI To department, select the instrument and ensure the channel matches the aqueduct the instrument is set up.
  4. Create an audio track.
  5. In the Sound From section, ensure that the right sound input from the sound interface is selected.
  6. Switch the sound runway's monitor to In.
  7. Make sure that Reduced Latency When Monitoring is active in the Options toolbar bill of fare.
  8. Conform the track delay on the MIDI track until the audio is in sync with the residuum of the prepare.
    • Rail Delay is made visible by checking it off in the View toolbar menu.
  9. Afterwards this is set upwards, you can record MIDI notes past arming just the MIDI track and setting the audio track's monitor to In. Playback will at present play the recorded MIDI notes on your musical instrument.
  10. One time you record the MIDI and make all of your changes, tape enable the audio rails simply and start recording right before the MIDI notes so that the audio from the instrument is recorded.
Ableton MIDI options

MIDI options

Ableton Track Settings

Ableton Track Settings

Method 2 (Standard and Suite only)

  1. Create a MIDI rail.
  2. In the MIDI track, set MIDI From to your controller's MIDI port
  3. Load in the External Musical instrument device from the Instruments category in the browser
  4. Set the MIDI To port to your instrument.
  5. Ensure the MIDI channel matches the MIDI aqueduct your musical instrument is ready to
  6. Fix the Audio From to the audio inputs your instrument is connected to on your audio interface
  7. Y'all tin can use the Hardware Latency slider if the audio sounds out of sync (Graphic Ableton External Instrument Settings.png)
  8. Arm the track and outset recording
  9. Once y'all have your MIDI recorded and fabricated the edits y'all would like, you lot can Freeze and Flatten the track to convert information technology to audio or create a separate audio track.
  10. After that, yous tin can ready its input to receive from your external musical instrument track and record just the audio rail.

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